Monday, May 9, 2016

Landscaping and Photographing

Spring has finally sprung and I can't say enough about how it's brought me back to life. Working at LGA has been an incredible challenge for me and taking on that challenge as a working mom and playing catch up on so many projects that I can finally afford has left me spent. It's all been worth it and although I'm working through the summer I'm looking forward to (hopefully) working at a slower pace. Since the sun has come out we've continued to work with my step mother on our landscaping and just moving my body again and sticking my fingers in the dirt has made me so happy. The payoff has been great, too, as things start to bloom and look beautiful. On Sunday (mother's day) we finished planting the front third of our yard. We had done the edging next to the house last summer and it's quickly filled in and up. I was inspired to pull out my camera and take some photos of what we've been up to. It felt really good to use my trusty old camera rather than a phone to photograph. I don't think I've really used it since I was pregnant and I hope that this energy and inspiration will stick around awhile so that I can photograph more and show you updated of all we've planted as it grows.
Last summer we started our strawberries but the dumb rabbits and squirrels ate them all. This year I'm putting up a strong fight. Here's the strawberry fortress.

Sayer gave us some raspberries. I'm not too hopeful about these little guys but come hell or high water we'll have raspberries.

Our blueberries didn't fare well from last summer so we refortified and Sarah brought us some bigger bushes to start anew. Are you sensing an Ashley vs. yard wildlife theme?

These tulips look fake.

The purple onion giganticus are just getting started. The bulbs just keep on bulbing.

We planted a boatload a bulbs last fall. These giant tulips have been a showstopper. The groundcover is spreading nicely, too.

My mom and stepdad funded this redbud tree as a birthday gift. I have high hopes for her.

The redbud in the front. We still have to mulch. Grow feather grass, grow!

Hazelnut and dogwoods. Are they so small and cute. Watch out they're going to get huge.

A view of our 3 plum trees and the newly decorated front of our lawn.

Tall grasses and the start of some ground cover. We have high hopes and dreams.

The plum tree is blooming!

Those damn red limbs on the dogwood are so pretty.
Here we are apres hard work. Bowie didn't help much. Josh used a selfie stick to take this photo.
The best photo we were able to get of Bowie and I on Mother's Day.

Chez Witt-Bachman. We still want to power wash, replace the light and build a new railing but with all that's growing we're well on our way. Hello curb appeal.

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